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Showing posts from June, 2020

Speedcubing ... long time ago

Now I can solve a 3X3 and 2X2 in under a minute ... but back then, when the video is from, it was about 2 mins.  Yay I got faster !!

Winner at Synopsys Science Fair 2020

My team (with Arjun and Vivek) came 2nd at the Synopsys Science Fair. It was supposed to be held at the San Jose Convention Center, but because of Covid-19 it became a Zoom event. We were given a time when we had to logon to the zoom link. We had to present our project to the judges and then they asked us questions.  Our topic was the Salinity Factor Have you ever thought to yourself what will happen if the polar caps melt? Or, with California running out of drinking water, where should we build the desalination plants? Our experiment helps because we get to know the impact of salinity on rate of evaporation.  When global warming causes the polar caps to melt, then water from the ice will mix with ocean water and make it less saline. Will this cause more rainfall or less? We will get to know from our experiment. If there is more rain, that isn’t just bad because you can’t go to the beach more often but it will cause floods and surges. If some part of the ocean is less saline, is that g

My dance show@ Durga Mahotsav 2019 (ICC Milpitas)

In 2019, my parents formed a group ( BCBA- Bengal Club of Bay Area ) with five other families to organize Durga Puja as a community festival in ICC Milpitas. For the ones who don't know what Durga Puja is, it is the biggest festival in the eastern part of India (from where I come from).  Actually the whole of India celebrates it in some form or the other. Here is the link to my dance performance. There were so many people there .... more than a 2000 thousand people came to visit our event!!