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Showing posts from December, 2018

Expectation Mismatch

Daddy: Why are we arguing so much these days? Sonny: Hmmm !!! Daddy: Is it because of expectation mismatch? Sonny: Yes. Daddy: What is it that you want? Sonny: I want to be a good kid . Daddy: But that is exactly what I also want. Sonny: No. You want me to be a good man .


Here are some photos from our snowy thanksgiving.  Fresh snow in our AirBnb patio Clearing up the windshields for daddy It was freezing Thanksgiving meal with Aadya, Smita aunty, and Anshuman uncle  My daddy

Growth Mindset & Fixed Mindset

This is from the advisory class. We have advisory classes since fourth grade. My dad got really excited about our last week learning- Growth mindset vs Fixed mindset. Growth mindset is about people who don' give up. Fixed mindset is about people who give up. The difference can be understood from this easy example. Person 1 with fixed mindset - "I can't do this". Person 2 with growth mindset- "I cant't do this yet " . With this one extra word yet it could make all the difference !! Thomas Edison never gave up trying to make the light bulb glow.